Wow what a day! My dayalmost always starts at 6:00 AM and it is nonstop till I put Landon to bed (which is usually my bedtime too). My sister called this morning and asked if I could stop by her house and get Audrey & Christian b/c her battery was dead. I told her yes which made me think hard about stopping at Sonic b/c I was worried about time...but I can always make time for Sonic :) So when I got to her house I told her I would just take Mitchum as well. So I got the third row seat up for Audrey and put Mitchum's carseat in, Landon was in the middle in his seat and Christian rode behind me. I guess this is what my car would look like if we had four kids.
Looks good huh?!? Landon and Christian love each other and had tons of fun just in the 5 minute ride. So I got them dropped off at Creative and then took Audrey & Olivia to school with me. I take them a lot in the morning and help with them after school since we are all at the Kindergarten together. After school I have started tutoring. It is only 30 minutes and I am leaving by 4 so I couldn't let that opportunity to pass. After school I had my nail appointment and then I went and picked up Landon from my mom and dad. Landon loves going to their house and usually throws a fit when it is time to go with me :( We picked up McDonald's (I know bad supper but it was already 5:45 and church is at 6:15) and hurried home to eat and brush our teeth so we could get back out for Puggles at Church. Tonight we had six kiddos which was a great number. When we got home Lance was working in Landon's room on this.....
Yah! It turned out great and I am so excited about organizing and filling the shelfs...ha! We've got a lot of work to do but I'm sure I'll find time. We still have to make the bench seat/pad but we have to decide on the material first. I found two prints. One print is brown and it is the print we used on his glidder and toy box but it is dark and it almost doesn't show up well since the wood is dark. The other material is a tan color and it has circles on it that are the same colors as his room colors. I'm too lazy to go take pictures but I might tomorrow. We plan on making a decision by the weekend and having it finished. My dad's birthday is Saturday and we are having dinner at our house with my parents and my sister & her family so I want it ready by then.
Tomorrow is pajama day so I am very happy about that!
My World

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Snow Days and Sick Days
Landon and I have pretty much been in the house since Thursday and haven't really done anything too exciting. Thursday morning we got a lot of snow and it snowed most of the day. We missed school Thursday and Friday which is always nice but I hate thinking about making them up. Landon has been fighting this runny nose, coughing and his ear infection so I was hesitant to take him out. I finally gave in and we went out Thursday late afternoon for about 10 minutes.
He enjoyed it and had a fit when I brought him in but I just couldn't let him stay out when he was already sick. He kept saying "Go out in snow" but I found ways to distract him.
Friday night I made Lance get us out of the house and Landon wanted a blizzard from Dairy Queen ;) so that is what we did. We drove all the way to MH and Landon and I split an oreo blizzard. Here is his face once we got back home.
Friday I started feeling bad and I had a feeling it was a sinus infection so on Saturday I decided to go to the doctor. They gave me meds and a steroid shot (ouch). I actually felt worse when I got home so I pretty much sat in the chair or the bed and read my book. I recently bought the kindle app for my iphone and I love it. I am reading so many books off of this. It is so easy to have right there on your phone and I tend to read when Landon falls asleep and I am laying in bed with him. I started reading Nicholas Sparks book Safe Haven and I couldn't put it down. I started it Friday night and finished it last night. I was crying and hoping Lance wouldn't walk in and make fun of me..ha! So if you have an iphone you should definitely get this app and read some books. I am now reading Water for Elephants. I saw someone recommend this book on their blog and with the movie coming out I thought I'd read it real fast. We'll see how it goes.
I guess I'll go eat some salsa while Landon is sleeping and then think about doing the treadmill. Have a great week!
He wasn't sure about the snow on his gloves so I had to wipe them off every time he touched the snow!
This was him trying to walk in the snow and of course he fell down a few times :)
Abby had to join us and Landon loves her around.
He enjoyed it and had a fit when I brought him in but I just couldn't let him stay out when he was already sick. He kept saying "Go out in snow" but I found ways to distract him.
Friday night I made Lance get us out of the house and Landon wanted a blizzard from Dairy Queen ;) so that is what we did. We drove all the way to MH and Landon and I split an oreo blizzard. Here is his face once we got back home.
Friday I started feeling bad and I had a feeling it was a sinus infection so on Saturday I decided to go to the doctor. They gave me meds and a steroid shot (ouch). I actually felt worse when I got home so I pretty much sat in the chair or the bed and read my book. I recently bought the kindle app for my iphone and I love it. I am reading so many books off of this. It is so easy to have right there on your phone and I tend to read when Landon falls asleep and I am laying in bed with him. I started reading Nicholas Sparks book Safe Haven and I couldn't put it down. I started it Friday night and finished it last night. I was crying and hoping Lance wouldn't walk in and make fun of me..ha! So if you have an iphone you should definitely get this app and read some books. I am now reading Water for Elephants. I saw someone recommend this book on their blog and with the movie coming out I thought I'd read it real fast. We'll see how it goes.
So after a good nights rest I am feeling much better but I think the medicine I'm on makes me feel sick so I'm definitely ready for the next 5 days to go fast. Today we've been taking it easy. Landon and I cleaned out my closet and did some laundry (I think I am doing laundry all the time b/c in every post I swear I say I did laundry) and Lance ran to Wal-Mart after church. We had BLT's for lunch and then my sweet hubs made me his famous salsa..yum!
I guess I'll go eat some salsa while Landon is sleeping and then think about doing the treadmill. Have a great week!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A Little Behind
Well I haven't blogged in awhile but little man was has been sick with another ear infection...darn it! We went to the doctor last Thursday and his left ear is infected. He had tubes put in about a year ago and the left one fell out 4 months after and his right tube is still in there. So we have started antibiotics but our guy is a little picky and he would not take the medicine. We tried everything but it wasn't getting in him and we were worried when his fever got high Sunday night so Monday morning I got on the phone! They are doing the same medicine but they added grape flavoring to it. He still isn't crazy about it but we are getting it down him. Judy stayed with him yesterday and today so that was very helpful. She even cooked us a yummy roast yesterday. It spoils me a bit and makes me wish I could have that every day!
Now the reason we went to the doctor was for his 2 year checkup and other than the ear he is doing great. He weighs 31 pounds and is 35 3/4" tall (He's in the 81% for both). Some things he's doing now:
This past Saturday we were kind of lazy. Landon took a good nap and when I heard him I went to get him and brought him in the living room. I sat down and this is what happened....
Now the reason we went to the doctor was for his 2 year checkup and other than the ear he is doing great. He weighs 31 pounds and is 35 3/4" tall (He's in the 81% for both). Some things he's doing now:
- Can count to 12 and he can count to 10 in spanish
- Sings tons of songs (ABC's, Barney "I Love You", Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle)
- He can tell us his birthday (I see so many kiddos who don't know their birthday so I had to start teaching him)
- He wears 24 months-3T in clothes
- Size 6 diapers (we are working on potty training a bit - good thing right - do they even make size 7 diapers?!?)
- Loves dancing
My sister got him this little radio and he loves it!
And you'll notice him wearing my headband and whatever else he can find as a necklace. ha!
- He can work my iPhone better than most
- Enjoys being read to (Right now we read"The Big Red Barn" and "I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly" every night)
- Loves farm animals
- Loves working his puzzles
- Picky eater right now but loves spaghetti and fruit
We also have to do his numbers, colors and transporation puzzles.
This past Saturday we were kind of lazy. Landon took a good nap and when I heard him I went to get him and brought him in the living room. I sat down and this is what happened....
Oh I love this! He hardly ever sleeps on me or lets me rock him so I definitely took advantage of this moment.
We went over to Matt Raynor's house that night to watch football and Landon got to play with his buddy Luke. They are funny! Here they both got in to an ottoman that they had turned over. Wonder if Matt will ask us back over. Ha!I hope little man continues to get better. We are going to take him to school tomorrow since he didn't have a fever at all today. I'm sure tomorrow morning will be a little rough when I leave him but he truly loves his school. He just likes to make me feel horrible!
Here is little man jumping on his bed or the bed that is in his room or the bed that's in this room we fixed up for him - he sleeps in a king size bed with his mommy and daddy!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
2nd Snow Day
Today Landon and I got to spend another day together :) We had another snow day even though there wasn't anymore snow through the night. I was more than happy to stay home in a warm house and not have to be outside in the cold. We did some laundry first thing this morning.
Landon was a big help. ha!
After Landon's nap we had to get out of the house for a bit. He wanted to wear his boots and his striped hat. Since we didn't see anyone today I didn't care what he was wearing :) (Notice the Halloween shirt.)
So cute and I love those beautiful blue eyes!
So where did we go??? Well where else do you go at 2:00 on a weekday....
Of course we went to SONIC!!! I haven't been in about 4 days which is a record for me. But don't worry...I'll be stopping again since school is back on tomorrow. That's right - no more snow days for us. I have a sub in my room tomorrow so I can test my kiddos. I think this week will go pretty fast.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Snow Day
Today Landon and I got to spend the day together. It was our first snow day and we took advantage of it by staying in our jammies. He wanted to play with playdoh so I took advantage of that opportunity and got on the treadmill. We did laundry, cooked a yummy and healthy supper and now we are watching the national championship game (or Lance is). I gave Landon a bath and after I got him out I put him in his cute footed jammies. I hope he's comfortable in them. I just can't resist the cuteness of them on kiddos!
Of course he didn't want me to take his picture but I tried. I tricked him when I got the picture above :)
So cute!!!
Well I guess we might get another snow day tomorrow if it snows like they are saying it's going to. I don't like waiting for the answer in the morning though. I wish they would just make a decision the night before so we could sleep longer in the mornings :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
First Snow 2011
Well today was my Grandma's service. She didn't want much so we only had a graveside service. I know she was watching over us from her new home :)
Landon went to Alicia Maddox's house while we were at the service. She watched him and my sister's 3 kiddos. This was the first time Landon has ever had a true babysitter. I was nervous since he's only been around her at daycare but he did awesome. I was proud of him and I appreciated Alicia offering to watch them for us. We even went to eat at Colton's with Brooke and Bradford before we went and got the kids. It was really fun to go out with them. That doesn't happen often....or really ever! We ended up stopping at McDonald's to get Landon supper. Bad parents...I know!
Lance and I did our walk/run for the night and gave Landon his bath while we were taking turns on the treadmill. I was talking to my mom and she told me it was snowing so we had to check it out.
I was surprised to see the back porch covered. I know it said it was going to snow but for some reason I didn't believe them. Guess I was wrong. Now I am just wondering if it's going to be enough to cancel school? MH never cancels the night before so I'll just have to wait till in the morning. I'd really enjoy another day home with little guy. It's been a long weekend.
Tonight Landon wore his new Mickey PJ's and of course I had to try to get a picture of hiim b/c he's just so cute. But my little stinker wasn't working with me. It's impossible to get him to stay still and smile :)
His belly is so cute :)
Not sure what he was doing but I eventually gave up.
Well I hope we wake up to a bunch of snow so we can go out and play (and have a snow day for school).
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Difficult Day
Today was a difficult day. My sweet Grandma Lois went home to be with the Lord last night around 11:00 PM. I know she is so much better now and not hurting at all but we are selfish and don't want to say goodbye. I have many wonderful memories with my grandma that I will always cherish. She was around us a lot and we spent a lot of time at her house. She would always play Patsy Cline and that song "I got a brand new pair of rollerskates". She was a classy lady who liked to shop. That's where I get my shopping habit :) I love her and will miss her tons.
Lance had to work most of the day so Landon and I were pretty lazy this morning. Once Lance got home I went to MH to do some grocery shopping. I decided to plan out suppers for the entire month (thanks to Gwen) so I had a long grocery list. I hope this helps us cut back on our spending at Wal-Mart. Maybe I won't have to go every week either. We'll see how it goes. Tonight Lance cooked steaks which were yummy! We both did the treadmill after our food settled and Landon played with his Mr Potato Head. Here he is working on his creation!
And here is the final thing....a little out of place but I think it looks perfect :)
Tomorrow is the service for my Grandma. I pray for my family to have the strength during our loss and to always remember the wonderful times with her.
Friday, January 7, 2011
First Time
Today Landon went to his first movie. We went to see this...
Yogi Bear 3D. This was Landon's first movie and this was my first 3D movie. We went with these cuties....
Aunt Brooke, Audrey and Christian. The movie was at 4:00 so it wasn't crowded at all. It was the five of us and two other people who sat at the very top. We sat down in the front so the kiddos could walk around a bit if they needed to. The movie was cute but geez...movies are expensive. It cost $40 for all of us to get in plus all the stuff the kids thought they needed. I guess they are worth it :)
After the movie we went back to Brooke's house to visit. Of course the kids had to eat more. ha! Bradford got some pictures of the boys.
So cute with their yogurt!
Look at Landon in this picture...goofy!
They are so funny!
When we left we decided to go pick up chinese foody. Landon was so tired and I always try to keep him up but that doesn't always work.
I call Brooke every time we leave their house b/c they drain him. He is always asleep within 3 minutes from their house! So sweet.
After I got Landon home I went back to MH and got my sister so we could go sit with my grandma and my family. My sweet grandma is in hospice right now. She isn't doing well and I just pray that she is comfortable. She has always been so sweet, sassy and has always loved us to the fullest. I have so many wonderful memories with her.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Making Bath Time Fun
Landon isn't really enjoy bath time anymore. He doesn't mind being in the water but when it's time to wash him and his hair it's another story. I'm not sure why he is doing this but I hope he gets out of it soon. Landon had ear infections very early on so we've always had to be very careful when we wash his hair. The child has never had water poured over his head. I actually wash his hair using a washcloth and boy is it fun. ha! He also threw a fit when he was getting his hair cut last time. It was horrible. It was Adam doing the haircut and me and my mom trying to hold Landon. We had hair everywhere. Luckily Adam was sweet about it and said he'd probably get better after a couple of haircuts and not to worry because he is just 2 years old:) try to help with the bath situation I picked up some bath crayons. Landon loves to draw so I thought it was worth a try.
Nice huh? Luckily they clean up easily.
He does get excited to get in there but he still has issues with the washing part. I'm sure we'll make it though. The kids gotta take a bath :)
Such a sweetie!
After bath Landon decided to play daddy's turkey calls. Lance makes turkey calls and Landon likes to try them out!
He's so proud of himself.
My wild man who needs to get ready for bed!
Hopefully he'll sleep good tonight because the last few nights have been weird. He's waking up and fussing a bit. Tomorrow is Friday!!!
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