Crazy to think this is our last Christmas as a family of 3. Next year we'll have an almost 4 year old and a 10 month old...that will be lots of excitement and craziness...and I wouldn't have it any other way! This year we had a lot of get-togethers. We were supposed to do Christmas with my parents and sister on Christmas Eve morning but Friday around 4 PM I got the urge to have it that night. I called everyone and just threw the idea out...luckily they let me have my brat moment and we got together at 6 PM that evening. The kids got tons of stuff and so did us big kids. My parents go all out for Christmas and I hope they know we are very grateful for all they do for us...not just at Christmas. I mentioned earlier that my parents always get Landon gifts that take up space. Well they also do loud toys. They got Landon his first drum set and he loves them. They also got him his first pair of cowboy boots. The kid wants to wear them all the time...even with his comfy sweat pants. We hung out and then came home and played with our new drums. Saturday night was our next gathering at this is for the Wilhite side. We have always done Christmas Eve night and we are a pretty large family so we have it at my sister's school since they have the big gym. They blow up the bouncy house for the kids and we have tons of food.

My dad is OCD (that is why I am the way I am) and so why wouldn't he have the bag for trash? That is his brother beside him in the green sweatshirt. I'm his favorite niece. :)
My uncle and aunt got him this guitar and he loved it. He managed to fall and cause it to crack but it didn't stop it from working. BOYS!!!
After we left there we came home to do all our Christmas Eve things. First we had to put out the reindeer food and glitter so they could find our house.
Next we came in to let Landon open up his Christmas Eve gift.
He loves Thomas so we got him Christmas jammies with Thomas on them.
We had to put them on immediately and he quickly realized his daddy was getting a picture of him in his undies. :)
He loved the jammies and said they were so soft. They really were and I wish I had a pair.
He then played his drums before bed.
Our future rock star
We then sat our cookies and milk for Santa and John Mark. I didn't get pictures of the plate but here are a couple from us making them earlier that morning.
So Christmas morning was busy. We got up and had to wake little guy up so we could do presents before church.
Sleepy boy trying to wake up.
Opening his gifts from Santa. He has been asking for a BIG dump truck and Santa brought that. :)
Opening his stocking stuff
He got a new Team Umizoomi DVD and he loves it. He got a guitar that looks like his dads but is his size, new shoes, a few clothes, Cars 2, train stuff, and who knows what else. He's very thankful and was good to say thank you. We did learn that he is a very slow opener. He would make sure all the paper was off and be sure to hand it to us. Guess he'll be OCD like me and his papaw.
We then got dressed for church and of course we had to get a picture. He had to wear his new boots...of course!
After church we came home to eat and nap before heading to the Hopper Christmas that night.
Here he is playing a drawing game and he was proud of his picture.
He would go sit on Aunt Brenda's lap and make them close their eyes. As you can tell he didn't cover his very good.
The boys being silly.
Here he is sitting on Brenda's lap listening to everyone sing. Landon was all about Brenda that evening and had a lot of fun with her.
Monday we went over to Viola to have Christmas with Lance's mom and siblings. We ate supper and then the kids opened presents.
Jed, Logan, Austin, Lilly and Landon
Landon got a microphone and a guitar at Nanas.
Aunt Lisa blowing up Landon's new punching bag. While we were there Alana (my SIL) shared something wonderful with us. It is from a restaurant in Little Rock-Burge's and it was smoked turkey salad. Oh my was so good and preggo here couldn't stop eating it. She made my day when she told me I could go online and order it...and trust me I've already checked it out. You should definitely try it. At first I told her I didn't like stuff like that but she made me try anyway. Thankfully I did...that's all I can say.
Well you would think our gatherings would be over but Tuesday night we did get together with the Bentons for supper and we let the boys exchange gifts.
Now, that is all of our Christmas gatherings. We had a great Christmas but I'm definitely looking forward to a little quiet time before I go back to work. We took down our tree Monday before going to Viola and glad we did. You have to remember...we have to go in to birthday party mode right after so not much time.