I'm finally figuring out how to blog from my iPad so hopefully ill be better.
I'm home today for MLK so me and the boys are hanging out. It's a good thing because it seems we've all been a bit under the weather. Friday night Landon ran fever but was better Saturday. Today Bennett has a cold starting...boo...so he's a bit cranky. Right now he's sleeping and that's why I'm blogging. Landon is playing the wii and acting like he's a power ranger!!! Love him! You'll see in a couple pictures that he's writing his name a lot. It's looking so good!
I'm doing good on my Walmart goal of only going every two weeks. It's so nice not having to do that each weekend. Lots of planning but completely worth it. I also got my nails done again. I used to always wear them but after B I just needed a break from them. We'll see how I do but so far I'm loving them. And I also got a new computer monitor at school. That thing is so big! Probably looks gigantic to me since I am always on an iPhone or iPad...ha!
Here are a few pictures from my phone I need to share.
My World

Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
What Is Going On?!?
Geez!!! I seem to be having problems with this blog again! It isn't letting me upload pictures (which I bought more storage to see if that helped) and I'm not smart enough to know how to fix it. So until I do there will be 0 pictures...boo!
We had a wonderful Christmas being with family. This year Landon was super fun since he is at the age where he understands it and get excited. And of course Bennett celebrated his 1st Christmas. I think he enjoyed the paper more than anything. I'll post later with pictures from our Christmas celebrations.
On December 29th we celebrated Landon's 4th birthday. I can't believe he is already 4. He is such an awesome kid and we just love him. We had a small birthday party at the house. He got a trampoline for outside and I think it will be a fun toy for many years. And if you are on my FB you probably saw my awesome video! Yep...I know you laughed-hey I even laughed and continue to laugh when I watch it. I still consider doing the YouTube or Funniest Videos. I think I could be famous for that move!
For the New Year we enjoyed staying home with the boys (which is the only way to do it). I went back to work on the 2nd and then the next morning I wore up with the darn flu so I got to have two additional days off (not fun days though). It was rough that first day but I'm thinking maybe my shot helped me out a little. I'm feeling tons better now and am actually ready to get back to work.
Now I don't really do resolutions but I always think of things I'd like to improve in or work on. I have decided to do meal planning/shopping for 2 weeks. I said a month but the hubs suggested I start with 2 weeks. So yesterday I went shopping and I think I did good. I hope it will save $ plus I really hate spending my weekend time at Wal-Mart. If I have to run to a small grocery store or dollar store who cares but no Wal-Mart. I always try to exercise when I have time or make time so it isn't something I'm starting new. I do hope to make it a higher priority because momma needs to tone up and get in better shape. I am never one to eat healthy or not drink pop so if I exercise here and there then I'll feel better. I want to spend more time reading my Bible and involving the kids in this.
Next week we do testing at Kindergarten so I'll have a sub for two days. It's really nice to have that release time to test because where I used to teach we just had to get it done on our own time. I hope my family stays healthy and we all sleep good this week. Last night wasn't that good but I think Bennett is working on his other front tooth. Poor guy has it rough with teeth.
Christmas 2012
I have to do a flashback to last Christmas! I think I look a little different...ha!
We had a lot of family time over Christmas break. My break was a little shorter than usual but it was still nice and luckily the hubs had the same break. Our first Christmas was over at Viola. We did it earlier than normal for us but I think it worked out a lot better.
We had the Wilhite Christmas on Christmas Eve. We do it at my sisters preschool and it works great!
That night we got home to find John Mark had brought us a letter and it said we could hold him for a little bit. Landon was so excited! We opened our gift from him which was Christmas jammies.
Christmas morning I was up first (go figure). Once everyone got awake we did our Christmas. Landon was so fun this year. He was super excited about his power ranger stuff. Bennett was in to the paper this year.
And Lance surprised me with my new iPad. He's so good!
After we did our gifts we headed over to my sisters house for Christmas with my parents. I don't think I have my pictures on my iPad so just going to make it work.
We came home and played with our new toys and while lance and Bennett took a nap I took down the tree. He was shocked when he got up but you have to remember its been up for a long time and I have a birthday boy four days later.
That evening we went over to the Hoppers for Christmas. We eat, visit, and they all sing. We ended up leaving early because Landon had a belly ache.
We had a wonderful Christmas.
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