This is a summer of firsts for B man. The boys and I went to see the movie "Inside Out" a week ago and it was such a sweet movie. Since the movie has been out for awhile there wasn't a lot of people there. The boys got snacks and I think I spent over $40 for this adventure. They're worth it though!
We also took a trip to Fred's Dollar Store mainly to find dippin dots.

I took the boys to the dentist last week which was another first for Bennett.
Lance has been working a lot with dealer meeting and on Sunday he had to take a boat out of town. Landon rode with him and they went to Bass Pro.
While Bennett and I went to Walmart to get a small pool.
I think our deer friend wanted to join us
It's easy to fill and empty so no more getting yucky and me throwing away.
I even set it up on the upper deck so the boys can play and I can be inside if I need to (while still watching them).
I needed a new license plate and of course I went with the advocare one.
Landon went shopping and we got some items for his bathroom.
We received Landon's teacher letter which was a fun mail day. He'll be with Ms. Rita next year and we're excited about that. His backpack and lunchbox came in and we bought his school supplies Thursday night. I think we're ready for 1st!
My school pile is starting to grow. I have ordered some stuff for my room and I put together my new center chairs and table which the boys seem to like.
Last week we could get back into our classrooms so it's was go time. I like to get mine set up quick and then enjoy my end of summer at home with the boys.
The boys have been going with me and they actually play really well (plus it wears them out).
We got out back to school haircuts before going up to work.
Yesterday Lance took the boys with him to Viola and I stayed to have a little "me" time. I finished the two things up for Landon's supplies, ran to get some Clinique stuff, got a pedicure since I had a gift card, and finished up in my room. I think I'm ready except for the open house stuff which comes from the office.
The boys had fun at nanas house playing with cousins.
Jed ended up getting a hook stuck in his thumb so they had to make a trip to the ER. It was a late night for sure. And luckily he's doing fine...he's tough!
Oh and last thing....I made my first wreath! I watched a YouTube video and tried to figure it out. I think for my first it was good!
It was tighter on one side but that's ok!
And the finished project!