Well, things are definitely going good but they are going too fast. I can't believe Bennett is already 3 weeks new. He is still a very easy baby and such a delight. Today we started him in size 1 diapers. The newborn diapers were a bit too tight on him and even though the 1 diapers are just a bit big we are making them work. We have tons of size 1 diapers and I really hate to keep buying newborn diapers if I don't have to. He is eating 3-4 oz. every 3 to 4 hours. And at night he has had a few nights of going 5 hours. I think he'd go longer if he'd stop pooping at night. He needs to learn to get that business taken care of during the day....ha!

My sweet 3 week old baby :) He's so cute!

My sweet 3 week old baby :) He's so cute!

Landon is doing good. We have been dealing with his diarrhea for about a week now, but he is finally getting better as of yesterday. He is going to school on Tuesday and Thursdays while I'm on maternity leave so I wasn't sure if we'd be able to go today due to his belly. Well this morning he went to the bathroom but it wasn't too bad. I told him he better stay home but he said "Please can I go to school? I want to see Ms.Alicia." Well I hated to tell him no so I went ahead and took him. He hasn't had a fever this whole time and last week the nurse practitioner told me it was just viral and it would just take time to get over. So I sent him. I did call my doctors nurse today and she said it probably was viral and recommended doing a clear liquid diet for 24 hours and then the BRAT diet if we needed to. But since he's eating and drinking fine and it is getting better, she said give it a few more days. I pray it goes away because even though he doesn't act sick I don't want my baby to be hurting in any way.
So what else have we been up to...
This past Sunday my sister and I took off to Branson by ourselves-no kiddos which is pretty good since together we have 5 now. Thanks to the boys for keeping the kids so we could have a day. And we got to see some of the damage from the tornado they just had. So sad what a tornado can do in just a short amount of time.
This past Sunday my sister and I took off to Branson by ourselves-no kiddos which is pretty good since together we have 5 now. Thanks to the boys for keeping the kids so we could have a day. And we got to see some of the damage from the tornado they just had. So sad what a tornado can do in just a short amount of time.

It was fun going with Brooke and even though we didn't buy much for ourselves we did find some good things for the other family members. We got the hubs some polo shirts and the kids all got some new things. I think Brooke and I were super excited about our purchase for ourselves. We bought things to do our nails. I recently took off my acyrlic nails (after many years of wearing them) just because I wanted to see how my natural nails would do and was just ready to try something new. So far I am doing good. I bought Sally Hansen Hard as Nails and the OPI color Step Right Up! I like it because it is light and natural looking.
I also found some new shampoo to try. I was reading some blog and she recommended using Organix Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo/Conditioner over the original Moroccan stuff. It is a lot cheaper and it has the exact same ingredients. I'm all about trying it so we'll see.
Last week I had a girls night at a local spa and it was so much fun. At my baby shower back in February, me, my sister, Ally and Gwen were talking about waxing. Random I know...but we are girls! So we mentioned doing a girls night of waxing and thanks to Ally we made it happen. Now of course Gwen and my sister couldn't go but I was all about going for visiting. I have always wanted to wax my underarms. I always think famous people have pretty and clean armpits where mine always looks ugly. So I decided to try that and then I went ahead and did my eyebrows. The girl doing the waxing was super nice and she told me I didn't have enough growth so she did what she could. She didn't charge me and just told me to grow them a bit longer and to come back. So my arms have been down for this week and I'll probably go back Thursday while Landon is at school and I just have Bennett. So the girls just took turns getting tortured while the others ate snacks, drank fancy drinks (I stick with water because I'm boring), and laughed at each other during their sessions. We did do the baby test where you take a string and your wedding ring and let it hang above your wrist to see what your babies you'll have.
My test said - boy, boy, girl....guess we'll see but as of now I think the two boys are just perfect :)
Rochelle was boy and straight to girl so we think she'll have twins
Kim got boy, girl, girl, boy
Candace got a girl
and Katie had boy, boy, boy, girl
Ally had already did her test at work and it said girl, boy which is correct because she's preggo with her 2nd right now and it is a boy.
We are silly but those girls nights are a lot of fun! I think next we are doing a cooking class. I can't believe we never had girls nights until Ally got back to town. She did this when she lived in Little Rock and when she moved back she wanted to get something together. I'm so glad she did...Thanks Ally!
Oh and my sister convinced me to read The Hunger Games and I'm really liking it. I'm trying to finish it before this weekend so we can hopefully go watch the movie. I read a chapter last night after I fed B at 3:30 AM even though I should have been sleeping.
My sister also told me to download the app Draw Something. That is a fun new game we are currently playing. It's kind of hard drawing on your phone with your finger but it's still fun. The peeps I'm playing probably think I'm a horrible drawer but I think I do fairly well. :)
Hope everyone has a good night and I hope these storms don't keep us up...oh wait...I have a 3 week old so I'm sure I'll be up anyway.
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