At 11 weeks he weighed 16lbs 4oz = 98.21%
He was 24" long = 66.81%
His head was 42cm = 80.31%
So I'd say we've got a big boy. I'll have to weigh him again in a week when he'll be 3 months.Our doctor is beyond wonderful and we wouldn't trade him for the world. Even if he is running behind most of the time. We got there at 3:15 for our 3:20 and 3:30 appointments, we sat in the nasty waiting room till about 4:15, and by the time we were both done it was 5:40. Our doctor definitely takes his time with his patients and we do like that. He even sent the hubs a text that night apologizing about the long wait. We thought that was super nice of him to do that.
Landon wanted his picture taken with spiderman.
Me and my boys. Bennett decided to stick his tongue out :)
Such cute boys. I love them!