My World

My World

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Busy Week

This week has been busy for us.  Nana left Sunday at 2:30 AM to go to Montana and she'll be back Saturday, Lance has dealer meeting which also started on Sunday so he's been back and forth, and I had in-service Monday-Wednesday.  Those in-service days can drain you, but I enjoy seeing my K ladies.  The boys have been at school since momma had to work and they even went today so I am home alone.  I have to admit its kind of nice!  But I am working on school stuff (TESS which is finished now, new math curriculum, plus all the new curriculum maps we are using) so it's not all nice.  I ordered a new kitchen center for my classroom (since the one I bought at Walmart Monday was used and a little scratched up) and a couple other things on Lakeshore...oh the things that excite teachers!  
Speaking of ordering...I ordered stuff that I read about on a blog and so far so good.  I'm loving the new lipgloss, the mascara that came with my curler is great, and the new blush is a good color.
And I finally got around to ordering a new planner from Erin Condren and it should be here today.  
This is what it will look like except with "the newtons" on it and no picture.
My sister and her family had a pool put in.  It was crazy how fast it went-done within 3 weeks.  So I took the boys over on Saturday and we got to enjoy it.  I have to admit it was a lot of work with both boys at first.  Bennett was wild and I think he wanted to just go and Landon was a chicken at first.  So I was trying to hold both but luckily once Bradford got in Landon learned to like it.  He started jumping off the diving board and that showed him he could swim just fine.  And a funny happened...I'm holding Bennett and as I was coming down the steps I fell under...and of course my sister just laughed.  
Sunday we were lazy and Landon fell asleep on me which I love.
Lately Landon has been in to carrying Bennett.  He's crazy but they've been playing so good together lately.
I got Landon a DS which helps entertain during our 40 minute drive (plus I have the DVD player, snacks, drinks, etc.).
We've been at Viola for 3 weeks as of tomorrow. I don't really know anything new on the house.  They are still working on some stuff and I hope we hear that's all fine sometime next week.  And then if that's all ok I hope to get a closing date. But I can't and I won't get my hopes up! 

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