My World

My World

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bennett is here!

I can't believe it's 1:00 and I'm saying Bennett's here! Things went pretty fast and he arrived at 11:10 am. He's a big boy-9 lb 6 oz 19 1/2 in. No wonder I looked huge! He's doing great! Landon came to meet him and I bawled like a baby...not sure why-blame it on the hormones. I'm feeling good-lots better compared to Landon's birth-and that boy was just 7 lb 5 oz. Since Bennett is in the nursery getting poked I'm sure-I'm going to rest. I'll post all about our journey later and get pics up when I can.
Here is my belly this morning and one picture of Bennett that I have on my phone. So cute!!!